A picture is worth a thousand words and we are lucky enough to have Martcellia Liunic be on board as our second Artist Collaboration of the Greeting Cards series!
With 16 adorable and bright designs for all occasions, we are sure you will find a greeting card of your choice!
Read on to learn more about her vibrant animal-centric art style, her story behind her online shop, and more—

Hello Cella! So glad to have you for our interview, how about we start with a quick self-introduction?
Hi, I’m Martcellia Liunic! My friends called me Cella. I’m an illustrator, visual artist and creative director based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I own an art label called Liunic on Things that sells everything cute based on my creative direction and illustration.

We just love your Greeting Card designs! How was your experience in creating them?
It was fun because Mossery gave me the freedom to choose my own colors, even though the idea was directed by the Mossery team but they gave me freedom in execution which I think is nice.

What do you hope that our customers would feel from buying these Greeting Cards?
I hope the customers will feel happy seeing the colorful illustrations and the cute animals there, and they will share it with their loved ones.

Who would you send a Greeting Card to right now? Choose one design from the 16 you created!
I would like to send one, [Evening Feast] to my girl-friends because it’s been months since I hung out with them due to the pandemic :(

Your art style is so bright and quirky! Has it always been this way from the beginning or did your art style evolve throughout the years?
Thank you, yeah even though I’m generally a sad girl (I’m a Pisces!) I’d like my illustrations to be colorful as an outlet to cheer myself up! My style evolved throughout the years for sure.
I used to draw in black and white and I have my gothic Tim Burton phase but I think as I grow more my drawings grow with me.

We notice most of your characters are animals or are ‘humans’ with animal faces, is there a reason behind that?
Haha cause we’re all animals. (And also because I like how cute the animal faces look!)

We love the products you list on Liunic On Things! We are curious, what is the story behind the store’s conception?
Thank you so much! We have different stories for each collection. I wanted to make art that can be functional and can cheer people up when they wear and see them. A Mood booster. I want them to be as cute as possible too!

Could you share with us your sources of inspiration that might surprise us?
Haha I like Tik Tok lame videos. Here in Indonesia, there will always be those funny unbelievable lame videos. I don’t know if that’s a surprise or not haha

Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring artists out there?
Practice makes perfect is so true. Draw every day, draw whenever you can, draw 10,000 hours at least, draw in a different medium, don’t stop exploring your craft.

Trivia question! If you can only have one snack for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm this is hard. Maybe I’ll pick Rujak, Do you know Rujak? In Indonesian, it’s a fruit snack with a peanut sauce. It’s so good!
Martcellia Liunic is an Indonesian illustrator based in Jakarta. You can find her on Instagram here and her online shop here.
Our new Greeting Cards collection are now available and shipping worldwide!
We hope you enjoy these bright and vibrant designs and that they bring a smile to everyone's faces!
If you receive a Greeting Card in the mail, make sure send us a video at @mosseryco on Instagram so that we can share it with the world!