Have you read Part 1 of our interview series? In light of the on-going pandemic, we initially approached a few of our favourite artists to ask how they are coping with the situation both physically and mentally. 


From there, we found it comforting to see how artists around the globe were all trying their best to make art while staying healthy.


With that, we thought to continue with a Part 2 to share more stories that may help us feel just a little better during these strange times.




How do you take care of your mental health during these difficult times?


Since social media is my main news source (but always remember to fact-check!) regarding everything that's happening in the world today, I try to limit my time on it.


I think it's important to step away once in awhile, just to prevent information overload and to keep mentally healthy. I've also been turning to other mediums as a form of escapism during these times—reading books, painting & playing my game consoles.


How do you stay inspired while staying home?


I've always turned to books, films and conversations with people for inspiration. So I've continued to do that even during this lockdown. Even though I'm not able to see my friends in person, I still talk to them online. I honestly feel like I've been connecting more with my friends now than before the lockdown, haha.



How have you maintained your routine for the past month? Have you had to come up with a new one to adjust?


My routine has pretty much stayed the same. The only thing different is that I've had more time to focus on myself and my art, which I'm grateful for.


Can you share with us an insight on working from home during a pandemic?


I feel like I adapted to working from home quite fast. The type of work I do, along with how connected we are through the internet, has made working from home very manageable. I think when working from home, a space where you can do it productively is important.



How has the pandemic affected your creative well-being?


I feel like the pandemic has made me more creative actually. Because I've got all this time staying at home, I've used my sketchbook more often and also my iPad Pro.


Before the pandemic, I felt like I didn't have the time or mood to make art for leisure, I was just always so tired after a whole day at the office and having to commute back home after. This pandemic has made me appreciate sitting down with my sketchbook and just drawing what I feel like drawing.


Has being indoors encouraged you to try something new?


I started trying home workouts and it's been great! I've spent more time prioritizing my health, which honestly, I never used to think about.


How do you take care of your mental health during these difficult times?


Stress can be especially harmful to your wellbeing at this time, and it seems like there are stressors everywhere! Everyone copes in different ways, so I think the key is to listen to your body and consider how you’re feeling mentally.


I tend to be a worrywart and overthink things, so I have to perpetually remind myself that we’re only human and I’m doing okay; sometimes, you just need to reaffirm yourself.


Some things I like to do to take care of my mental health include exercising first thing in the morning to get me pumped for the day (or any physical activity you can do while social distancing to release happy hormones), getting wrapped up in a good book, and talking with my parents.


When I’m busy with a deadline and feel like I don’t have any free time, I like practicing some deep breathing exercises, taking 5 minute breaks, or even crying it out which releases some frustration and makes me feel better.


However, if anything, I think this experience has taught me that health and well being is the most important, so mental health is a priority!


How do you stay inspired while staying home?


I used to be inspired by movies, books, or songs, and remain inspired by these things today. Being able to interact with other creators in the community also helps, since their positivity is contagious and motivates me to try out new things as well!


I think on an overall basis, it’s gotten harder to stay inspired even though the source of my inspiration remains consistent, just because I’m interacting with less people in person, but I try not to force myself to create something for the sake of creating something.


Art block or creative burnout is a frustrating feeling, and sometimes you just need a break to get yourself in the mood again!



How have you maintained your routine for the past month? Have you had to come up with a new one to adjust?


My routine has been somewhat different compared what it was like prior to the pandemic, mostly due to the fact that I no longer need to commute to work. I’ve started waking up earlier and sleeping earlier, and typically try to be out of bed before 8 am.


One thing that I’ve added to my routine that I really enjoy is eating meals with my parents. I used to eat all of my meals at work (I typically work >10 hour days) and ate at irregular times on the weekends so I’d usually be eating alone. Now that everyone’s at home, I try to take a break from work whenever they’ve set something for the table, and we’ve gotten closer as a result!


Can you share with us an insight on working from home during a pandemic?


I know a lot of people emphasize the importance of distinguishing time for work and time for yourself, but I never realized how much of an active effort it takes to do that until I started working from home myself!


You need to set boundaries for yourself – when to start working, when to stop working – otherwise, you allow worries from your job take over the time your brain needs to rest (or vice versa, you allow lose productivity by letting leisure time cut into your work time!).



How has the pandemic affected your creative well-being?


It’s definitely a struggle trying to stay creative when your environment is the same day in and day out, but the benefit is being able to try something new. I’ve spent more time talking to others in the bullet journal community and made good friends who support each other!


Has being indoors encouraged you to try something new?


Like many others, I’ve tried to cook more and learned some of my mom’s homemade meal recipes. I’ve also taken up learning how to spin foam nunchucks (I’m completely serious), which I had bought a few months ago.


I used to practice martial arts when I was younger, but dropped it when I got too busy and never found enough motivation until now to pick it up again.



How do you take care of your mental health during these difficult times?


I make sure to journal everyday, it acts not only as a safe space for me to let out my thoughts but also a way to keep track of my emotions and habits. Then, I use what I've written to help me become more aware of my actions and mindset in the future.


How do you stay inspired while staying home?


I try not to push myself too hard to create something every day, but rather take the time to slow down and catch up on movies and videos I've not been able to watch since being away all the time. That naturally sparks my creativity and inspires me to make something based off the visuals I take in.




How have you maintained your routine for the past month? Have you had to come up with a new one to adjust?


I've been maintaining my routine by categorising my tasks and planning them ahead of time in my journal. This helps me fit little projects into my day, be it on weekdays or weekends.


Some new activities I've added to my routine are playing Animal Crossing for 30 minutes every day to kind of wind down and at the same time collect special items for the day!



Can you share with us an insight on working from home during a pandemic?


I don't like working from home, because I don't like staying in one place all the time, I like a change in environment and I really miss that when working from home.


As with needing a change in environment, I also like to be around different people throughout the day, I think it allows me to take a short healthy break from the people in my life, so that I can appreciate and care for them better.



How has the pandemic affected your creative well-being?


I think it's helped me, actually! Since there were little pockets of free time, I was able to fill them immediately with creative work, since I was staying in one place throughout the day.


The only issue I had was carrying out any regular purchase or sourcing of materials, and that would limit me a little bit.


Has being indoors encouraged you to try something new?


Yes, I started doing light exercises and also getting back into photography as a hobby!



How do you take care of your mental health during these difficult times?


I tell myself to take it easy and not to rush things. I've been fine mostly, having a lot of time for myself is really nice.


How do you stay inspired while staying home?


I've been trying out a new medium other than paper collages, I've been painting using gouache. It's a medium that I've been curious about for so long but never really had the luxury of time to try.



How have you maintained your routine for the past month? Have you had to come up with a new one to adjust?


I think one of the ways I've been maintaining my routine is actually by playing Animal Crossing for the nook mile streak. That kind of helps me stay on track.


Can you share with us an insight on working from home during a pandemic?


Personally I feel more productive at home, and I keep to a routine. It does get lonely though, especially when you know everyone's doing other stuff in a completely different environment. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on things.



How has the pandemic affected your creative well-being?


Early this year I told myself to come up with at least one digital collage each month. Making them is a hobby, but being at home all the time for the past two months plus has affected the way I think and plan things.


So I missed my May collage because of this. But I managed to counter that emptiness by repainting abstract album covers. That felt good.


Has being indoors encouraged you to try something new?


Yes, other than exploring gouache, I also baked some cookies and cake with my mum! QUALITY TIME. 


Thank you to all the artists for answering our questions! We hope this has lend you some new perspective and even help you feel lighter. 


Are you interested in a Part 3? Do let us know down in the comments below or DM us @mosseryco on Instagram and we will reach out to more artists! 


Posted 28 July 2020 at 12:11 by Jessica

I hope you do a part 3! I just read part 1 and 2 and it was nice reading about others’ experiences. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

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