When it comes to creating a one of a kind Mossery book, no one does it better than you. Hence, when we created our product, we made it a point to provide you with a personalisation service that allows you to decorate it according to your preferences.
Throughout the years, we have received unique personalisations that piqued our interest but this time, we wanted to hear stories behind them directly from you!
With that, we reached out to you on our Instagram page and we are grateful to receive two very special stories! As part of June’s Celebrating You, let us put you under the spotlight!

“There's a little bit of irony in the personalisation of my two sketchbooks: 'mostly void'. The other: 'partially stars'. But if you look at what's inside, it fits. The whole quote, lifted from my favourite podcast, @nightvaleofficial, goes:
'We understand so much. But the sky behind those lights,
mostly void, partially stars, that sky reminds us:
We don't understand even more.'
My personalised quote reminds me that art and inspiration are moody, and don't come when you try to force them. The first sketchbook, ironically the one with the Galaxy cover, is filled with absolutely terrible, uninspired pen doodles; the second, the Plain Black, is filled with beautiful watercolour paintings.
In a way, these two sketchbooks are a representation of what I learned about myself in the two years time between them (I got the first one in 2017, the second one just last year).

I got 'mostly void' when I was still in school and struggling with academic pressure. One of my Abitur subjects (the German equivalent of A-Levels or a high school diploma) was art, and so I naturally tried to practice every day in order to improve, but I soon realised that I was forcing something that didn't want to grow naturally.
Two years later, I had come a very long way. I was working on my mental health; I had decided on a subject I wanted to study at university (Archeology). Suddenly, art came naturally again, without me doing anything. I found my part that was stars.”

“My name is Nísa, and I'm a 21 year old artist from Northern Ireland. In 2016, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and I realised I wasn't doing enough of what made me happy. After that, I kept thinking, 'Why am I doing this, when it doesn't bring me joy?’
I've never liked my real name, for myself. I decided I was going to start using a different name, because mine didn't bring me joy. I was nervous though. My (Galaxy cover) Mossery personalisation is my new, chosen name- it's the first thing I bought with my chosen name on it, and it brings me joy every time I see it.”
Thank you @bluelittleflowers and @shiroganejpg for sharing their stories! As you can see, personalising your cover can mean more than just decorating, it can make the book special, it can make it yours.
Like @bluelittleflowers, you can create entire narratives just from taking the time out to create them and like @shiroganejpg, you can exercise your power of choice and create a visual representation of your realigned identity.
Something as simple as gracing the cover with a personalisation that rings true to your heart can bring more joy than expected. The flexibility of our Personalisation service allows for you to label your Mossery book with freedom.
Thus, we hope these stories can inspire you to create a personalisation that makes sense to you.
Feel free to try it out for yourself by choosing your favourite from our wide collection of cover designs and start playing around with our Personalisation service today!
Do you have a cover with a meaningful personalisation as well? Do let us know down in the comments below or DM us @mosseryco on Instagram!