To celebrate the launch of our new card game, Mossery Impromptu: Prompt Cards for Drawing, we thought what better way to showcase the game than to play it with you!
We partnered with Stickerrific, a local stationery store, who was gracious enough to lend us their space, to do a free Art Jam session for the occasion.
With that, we put out an open invitation on Instagram, welcoming members of our community to sign up! We were hoping you would come and play with us!
To our surprise, just one day after the announcement, all four of the Art Jam sessions were booked out! Thank you all so much for the great response.

On the day itself, we were so happy to be able to meet you all in person and have one-to-one chats before and after the drawing sessions.
It was truly heartwarming to be able to build a connection with the lovely members of our community and also witness the diversity of it!
From children, to young adults, and parents, we are thankful to be part of this great art community together.

As for the Art Jam event itself, we separated it into four sessions where we introduced the card game and went straight to playing it with our participants!
In the beginning, we started the game by playing it with the easiest card combination: consisting of Noun, Verb, and Adjective cards to gradually more complicated combinations as the session went on.

This allowed our participants to experience the game to its fullest potential. We eventually even added Challenge Cards to make things interesting!
At one point, two of the sessions had a Challenge Card where the participants had to draw with their eyes closed.
Surprisingly, the drawings were not only still discernible but were drawn with a story in mind!

In fact, after every round, our players would explain their drawing and more often than not, they have created little backstories for their drawings which were both endearing and interesting.
At the end of each round, we had a Judge award their personal winners based on the Award Card they picked out earlier.
With that, our sessions were filled with laughter and engaging stories.

Next, we even introduced another way of playing the card game where it involved our participants to guess the prompts.
How this work is by having a volunteer pick out their preferred card combination, draw it out, and the rest of the players would have to guess the prompts!

Through these different methods of playing the game, we managed to even pull in some passersby who eventually joined us in the fun as well!
At the end of the day, we left the Art Jam session feeling fulfilled and happy to have spent the few hours we had with you.
We hope you all felt the same way and would join us again if we were to do another session!

As always, it only takes a spark of inspiration to fuel your imagination so let your creativity flow on paper and draw your heart out!
Mossery Impromptu: Prompt Cards for Drawing is now available in store and on our website now. A big thank you again to @stickerrific for helping us with this event!
Grab a deck for yourself today! Remember to tag us @mosseryco on Instagram so we can share your experience with the rest!