Mossery Gives Back
Malala Fund
March 2017

Campaign Ended
$800 Donated
to Malala Fund

As one of the most underprivileged groups today, girls all around the world face a common problem: not being able to go to school.
We believe that with education, people are able to realise their greatest potentials. This is why we’re in support of Malala Fund, whose mission is ‘to see a world where every girl can complete 12 years of safe, quality education.’
Find Out More
Power of the community
The idea was simple: for every repost on Instagram, we would donate $1 to Malala Fund. We announced the target of donating $500 and left it to gain momentum over some weeks to achieve our goal.
However, the overwhelming support that came from our global community went far beyond our expectations. In less than 5 days’ time, we had already collected more than 800 reposts!
To honour the initial idea of the campaign as well as support providing education to girls all around the world, we decided to donate a grand total of $800 to Malala Fund. Thank you so much.
Thank you
We couldn't have done it without you, so here's to all of you for making it happen.
- @___baouyen___
- @_coffeeandkorean_
- @_ember_eng
- @_k__n
- @_lhletters
- @_neverquit_
- @_sarahhl
- @_study_like_spencer_
- @_xiaoyann
- @111.26_
- @552ab
- @a_working_progress_3
- @acebitheside
- @aesterisks
- @agstudying
- @akirareads
- @alicestudying
- @aloha_studying
- @amaziement
- @amreadstudy
- @anais_achill
- @anaismrs
- @andyoullbecomewhatyouwant
- @angelostudies
- @anistudies
- @annabluemusik
- @antu.kin
- @apriljli
- @ariaanr_
- @armyaz.trash
- @artstudentstudies
- @ashh.studies
- @ashhstudies
- @ashstudiess
- @astrocoding
- @astudyjournal
- @badacademics
- @batrishx_afinx
- @beatriz.mcecilio
- @beautyforashes_lilyya
- @beinganerd
- @bethanysiyun
- @bibimbapie
- @birdsandnibs
- @blackthoughtsonwhitepaper
- @blurry.annie
- @bookodile
- @brbstudyingg
- @bujoella
- @bujonoona
- @bujotrain
- @bullet.journals
- @cacti.claude
- @caminhoparamedicina
- @carmenchjn
- @catherinee__6
- @cattystudies
- @cg02.16
- @chafze
- @chibutoclone
- @chogicza
- @ciarastudies
- @circuswagons
- @coreycatkins
- @creationsbysheryl
- @cutie.cheryl344
- @daboikenny
- @dailylife.jpeg
- @danielacopefe
- @debytia
- @defenderofkittens
- @designbythildra
- @dev.rstudies
- @dianeuhhh
- @die2kid
- @digitalpourpre
- @dronamon
- @dstudywith
- @dukeofagenders
- @dukestudies
- @dundie7
- @dysph.oria
- @educationsentimentale
- @elixirstudy
- @em.2gather
- @emily_studies
- @enbystudy
- @englistics
- @enoshie
- @enyay_
- @eternaljournal
- @euphoriastudys
- @everythingisbulletjournaling
- @evis0_
- @faeriestudy
- @fashionably.studious
- @fatimarmdnty
- @fillthemwithgold
- @firevkbat
- @firevkbat
- @flafluffy
- @fluffofhappy
- @folieabelle
- @gab_study
- @gkgeziyor
- @half.slice
- @handwrittenmydarling
- @hannahradau
- @hardcorehermione
- @hariniradja
- @hc9xtaurus
- @heartclot
- @hellakawaii.ashes
- @heng_arh
- @heolstudies
- @heybara
- @holyhosh
- @httpangop
- @icedteastudies
- @imadeafanpage
- @infinitepassionstudy
- @inqueerie
- @inthehogwartslibrary
- @isyasoul
- @its.mamade
- @itsmespicaa
- @itssnippy
- @itssnippy
- @ivyxxnguyen
- @j.minstudy
- @javachupstudies
- @je0nstudies
- @jean__ljl
- @jegyzetlap
- @jenniferdelsi
- @jenny_hopeandfaith
- @jjkkws
- @joeeeelleeee
- @jonginstudies
- @joyful_pictures
- @juvialand
- @jy.816
- @kaaynotes
- @kathryn.huang
- @kazlouj
- @kdhybrd
- @keroppistudy
- @kien_mei
- @kilamcca
- @kimttrinh
- @kipnotes
- @knoqq
- @kookiestudies
- @koro_sensei_
- @kraftykrafties
- @kyungsnote
- @la_panqueca
- @lacuentavieja
- @lady__rakshata
- @laiastudies
- @lawandchill
- @lazygurlies
- @le.camelia.rouge
- @learningtheory
- @lesbiantinuviel
- @letus.dosomething
- @lgbt_queens_slay
- @lifahr
- @lindatavie
- @literarysushi
- @littlemissstudious
- @livingthatlibrarylifestyle
- @llysan_
- @lowkeyjk
- @lucistudies
- @luisampunkt
- @lustik_chan
- @lysstudies
- @madi_studies
- @mainstreetmagiic
- @malfoystudies
- @mamayreen
- @marble_studies
- @maryboostudies
- @massiel_jcv
- @maximum_minimalist
- @medschoolprep
- @mehstudies
- @memeshr00mz
- @mgstrveggie
- @miahirahs
- @mialalala17
- @mimibertrand
- @mimjamii
- @mirastudies
- @mishstudies
- @molecularstudy
- @monkey_studies
- @moonpeachesss
- @moonystudies
- @morenagiil
- @morganized_bujo
- @morningmoons_
- @my_diarigram_hv_
- @nadaainayya
- @natasha.janella
- @natlovespie
- @nawwarahli
- @nicholasvillmae
- @ninap95
- @notesbyblonde
- @notesnotesandnotes
- @ntara14
- @oblivionarts
- @ok.haifa
- @opallonia
- @our.studydiary
- @palstudies
- @paola.giovanna7
- @paperwinter_
- @pastelpunkqueerMeredith College
- @patdstudies
- @patronustudies
- @paula_sierra06
- @peatchytae
- @penguinhuddles
- @perspectiveking
- @pfpeker
- @pink.studies
- @pinofswift
- @plannerjunkieph
- @planningcoffeeaddict
- @plutostudy
- @postbadmargaux
- @pre_med_inspiration
- @prepgirlup
- @psychstvdies
- @pushh_through
- @qhonay
- @qqilahh_
- @quranjournal
- @r.ochelle
- @radxzs
- @ravenreview
- @reemany2599
- @reisourielle
- @rmalmazan
- @rnstudying
- @roselyn14
- @saltystudies
- @sanniminna
- @sarayvazquez_art
- @saretta_87angeli
- @sashimistudies
- @sbpsstudies
- @school.studies
- @scienceofhumanity
- @shariiia
- @shirenji
- @sidhong
- @silver.studies
- @silviculture
- @sippingsoda
- @sjungjeon
- @skmel_
- @slush__123
- @smoinerd
- @snowflakestudy
- @sohohostudies
- @solange_gft
- @spinxulala
- @spn.studies
- @starrynightstudies
- @starrywhore
- @stephistudies
- @stu.tae
- @studeofox
- @studiestea
- @studiouswoman
- @studiumarcadia
- @study_thyme
- @study_with_anjedah
- @study.ry
- @study.spell
- @studyae3thet1c
- @studyandlush
- @studyandorganize
- @studybitches
- @studyediaeats
- @studygirlh
- @studyhlp
- @studyingaway
- @studyingfreud
- @studyingkkoch
- @studyinglara
- @studyingmawrtyr
- @studyist
- @studyists
- @studykouffee
- @studykyra
- @studynbujo
- @studyrella
- @studysthetic
- @studywithmedo
- @stuydies
- @sugarandstudies
- @sunnyhowell
- @supernovastudying
- @sushisannnn
- @synthia_dipty
- @t.ickley
- @t.o.t.o.r.o_
- @tayswiftclassic
- @teastudy
- @temptedtodstudy
- @tempurastudies
- @thatonesassychick2.0
- @the_tmstudy
- @theimpossiblejournal
- @theteenstudent
- @tiffanyzou4193
- @tiffstudies
- @tijanamilich
- @tinkerworld
- @toastudy
- @tumi_d31
- @turbo_ida
- @ucotamo
- @unhopefilled
- @v.enut
- @v.enut
- @v1ckychong
- @vanojulio
- @vertically_challenged_human
- @victorphilippe_
- @vivikaanc
- @vivinaryy
- @wastedtears__
- @wavystudies
- @whovian.studies
- @winstonstudies
- @wnkkunstudy
- @workitlikeharvey
- @worldschool.student
- @writing_coffee_books
- @ximena1039
- @yagodaah
- @yingdantan
- @yola.studies
- @youngchinglim
- @yuzustudies
- @zaracrystallina
- @ze_apa_ini
- @zt.studies
Disclaimer: We were only able to identify around 300 public accounts who has reposted from this campaign. If your Instagram handle is not here, just drop us an email at with a link and screenshot of your repost. We’ll be more than happy to slot it in.